(Frequently Asked Questions)
What does the church of Christ believe?
We believe the Bible's testimony about God and His one and only Son, Jesus the Christ. We let the Bible, and the Bible only, serve as our guide for Christian living, worship and teaching. We also teach that we are saved by grace through faith (Ephesians 2:8-9).
What is Sunday Service like?
We sing, pray, take the Lord's Supper, and hear a message from the Bible. It is a time for us to praise God and to encourage one another. While everyone is encouraged to participate, you will not be singled out for participation.
What is the Lord's Supper?
When Christians take the Lord's Supper, they do so in the memory of Jesus the Christ and his sacrifice for all who follow him. We invite all who have committed their lives to the Lord to join us in this Supper. While the Lord's Supper has no spiritual significance to non-Christians, we in no way forbid anyone from participating.
Why do you sing without instruments?
Most guests immediately notice that we sing without the accompaniment of instruments. Because our model is the church of the New Testament, and there is no example of them using instruments, our singing is without instruments.
Do I have to give money?
Each of us give as we decide in our hearts. We do not expect our guests to contribute. (2 Corinthians 9:7)
How do I join the church?
There really isn't a concept of "joining the church" in the Bible. If you are a Christian, you are in the church (Acts 2:41). If, however, you are a Christian and would like to serve and be recognized with this congregation, contact us and we will answer your questions or concerns.
How do I become a Christian?
The simple answer is that you become a Christian by dying to sin (Luke 9:23). You must die to trusting in yourself to direct your life and begin by trusting in God (Romans 10:9-10; Hebrews 11:6). When you bury the old person (in baptism), God raises a new person filled with the Spirit of Christ (Romans 6:3-4; Galatians 2:20). If you would like to know more about becoming a follower of Christ, please contact us.
What if I have been baptized already?
Baptism is practiced in a variety of ways in different churches. In the New Testament, however, believers who became aware of their sin were immersed into water for the forgiveness of those sins (Acts 2:38). If you are unsure of your own baptism, we would be pleased to spend some time exploring the Bible with you concerning it.